How to Edit a WordPress Header

Editing a WordPress header is a fundamental task for customizing the appearance and functionality of your website. The header typically contains the site’s logo, navigation menu, and sometimes additional elements like a search bar or social media icons. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the process of editing a WordPress header.

Step 1: Accessing the WordPress Dashboard

  1. Login to Your WordPress Admin Panel: Open your browser and go to Enter your username and password to log in.
  2. Navigate to the Appearance Section: Once logged in, find the sidebar on the left. Hover over “Appearance” and click on “Customize”.

Step 2: Using the WordPress Customizer

The WordPress Customizer is a user-friendly tool that allows you to make changes to your site’s appearance and see the results in real-time.

  1. Open the Customizer: Click on “Customize” under the “Appearance” menu.
  2. Select Header Options: Depending on your theme, you might see options like “Header”, “Header Image”, “Header Media”, or “Site Identity”. Select the relevant option to start editing your header.
  3. Modify the Site Title and Tagline: If you want to change your site’s title or tagline, navigate to “Site Identity”. Here, you can enter new text for the title and tagline, and also upload a site icon or logo.

Step 3: Customizing the Header Image

  1. Add or Change Header Image: In the Customizer, look for the “Header Image” section. Here, you can upload a new image by clicking on “Add new image” or select from the existing images in your media library.
  2. Adjust the Image: After uploading, you may have options to crop and adjust the header image to fit your site’s design.

Step 4: Editing the Navigation Menu

  1. Access the Menu Section: In the Customizer, go to the “Menus” section. Here you can create new menus or edit existing ones.
  2. Add or Remove Menu Items: To add items, click on “Add Items” and select the pages, posts, categories, or custom links you want to include. To remove items, click on the item and then click on “Remove”.
  3. Organize the Menu: Drag and drop the menu items to reorder them. You can also create sub-menus by dragging an item slightly to the right under another item.

Step 5: Adding Widgets to the Header

Some themes support widgets in the header area. Widgets can include search bars, social media icons, and more.

  1. Go to the Widgets Section: In the Customizer, select “Widgets”.
  2. Choose the Header Widget Area: If your theme supports it, you’ll see an option for adding widgets to the header. Select this area.
  3. Add Widgets: Click on “Add a Widget” and choose from the available widgets. Configure the widgets as needed.

Step 6: Custom CSS for Advanced Customization

For more advanced customization, you can use custom CSS.

  1. Access Additional CSS: In the Customizer, scroll down and click on “Additional CSS”.
  2. Enter Your CSS Code: You can write custom CSS to style your header. For example, to change the background color of the header, you might use:
.site-header {
    background-color: #333;

Step 7: Save and Publish

Once you’re satisfied with your changes, click the “Publish” button at the top of the Customizer to save and apply your new header settings.


Editing a WordPress header allows you to create a unique and functional design that aligns with your brand’s identity. By following these steps, you can easily customize your header to include a logo, navigation menu, and other elements. With the flexibility of the WordPress Customizer and additional CSS, the possibilities are nearly endless. Experiment with different designs to find the perfect header for your site.